Oh Dang! I did not know the Rams were the Superbowl champions last year. Thanks Mr Rock for the lowdown at the start of the game!
I am super pumped for not only watching an entire game, (we are talking hours here) but for picking the first game of the season winners, the Buffalo Bills put a whooping on the LA Rams, 31- 10 to be precise. Let’s break this down…
First game impressions:
Great stadium, bright and packed, people obviously feel this sport is a holy grail of some sort...I may need a little more convincing.
At first I thought it was a great idea to introduce all the players on the field, especially for a newbie like myself who doesn’t have a clue who is who and honestly only one name will stay with me from this game; Von Miller who can pull out a great little jig!
It quickly became apparent to me the repetitiveness of introducing the players on field was a simple time filler technique as somebody, somewhere came up with the idea to try and disguise the time wasted between plays, extending the duration of the game.

Really, that many stops and starts…I know there will be a few people shaking their heads out there, but don’t worry. This is a continued disagreement in our household. I still hold true to my belief and say this interrupts the flow of the game and honestly makes me question the players on the field having the ‘game brain’ to decide in the heat of the moment.
Great first touchdown by the Bills. I particularly enjoyed how quick and early it occurred in the game and how easy the Bills made it look. They then followed it up with a clean conversion. The Bills seemed to overshadow and run away with the second half of the game, dominating play after play. It made me question, did the Rams really win last year? I know, I know drafting and trades, but the thought still crossed my mind.
Interceptions are a bit of fun, (almost a shock to see how graceful some of these bigger dudes can fly through the air). These were opportunities for players to display skill and strong athleticism and, let’s be honest, anytime there is a turnover it brings a bit of heated enthusiasm to the game. Not to mention the throwing game on some of these guys, in particular number 17 on the Bills, Josh Allen. George reminded me of his name which I’m sure was flashed across the screen more then a dozen times. Wow, he has an arm!
Surprisingly the breaks between the quarters were really quick, maybe five minutes? I figure this is to compensate for the stopping and starting throughout the game, which I have already addressed as one of my pet-peeves.
How did a team not realise they had too many players on the field? Really, with the sideline entourage, 50 odd players, 15 different coaches and all eyes on them, how was this missed?
Further does this happen often?
Also, why are the players allowed to run off the field, out of the marked lines and its not a hand over? How does that make sense? Surely the game should be played within the actual defined field? And on this, when they haven’t passed the first down and the player runs out of the field, where do they start again, does this count as one of their plays?
Let’s talk commentators…come on guys, it’s okay to take a breath, especially during the breaks. This can lead to uninformative, useless rambling that for a newbie is confusing to differentiate the difference between real and useless information. I also was not a fan of them having to drop the only name I really can associate with current NFL, Tom Brady. Really? He wasn’t even playing. How about credit the men on the actual field! And discuss their transformation and improvements.
Alright, alright we got through a whole game. Yes it was long, but not as long as my memory had convinced me. This is either due to me being able to understand a little more of the rules, or me being able to look past the heaped on padding, ‘soft’ tackling and 50 odd players waiting to sub in…
My husband assumed because we got through the first game of the season, the light was green for all American football in the house (nice try). Casually having college football playing in the background at every chance…I was quick to reminded him this was an opportunity to ignite a fire and not pour water on it with over kill. Baby steps honey, one game was enough for a couple days.
That is of course until my awesome Texan Bulls take to the field on Sunday (early Monday morning our time). This one I am really looking forward to and seeing them dominate the field in a similar fashion as the Bills for their game one of the season. You got this boys!!
Keep it together.